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At risk Scent Kit
Who is at risk?
Generally speaking young children from baby toupper teens, elderly especially those that have conditions effecting their ability to think and reason. Conditions like Alzheimer and dementia. Adults with predispositions to wonder off.
We have put together a basic scent collection kit
for those people at risk of being lost or abducted.
Our scent kit is very basic and easy. The hope is that one would never need it, but is a very simple thing that may make all the difference in the world if there ever came the time you could use one.
The kit consists of a 6oz new jar with a lid, a pair of individually wrapped Nitrile gloves, a gauze pad, collection data sticker, tamper tape and instructions.

Very low cost to put together and easy. We have them from time to time and generally only cost us $2.75 to make. Check with you are interested and we will help you get it rolling.
These kits are for use by any scent specific trailing or tracking dogs not just ours.
Notify the search authorities or K-9 handler that you have a preserved scent for their use
ASAP time matters.
©2018 by Dry Creek Bloodhounds.
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